ASP.NET MVC strongly typed model binding to a collection with zero values.

I wasn’t quite clear how to do this and I’m not sure my solution is the best approach, but it certainly falls within the realm of normal functionality included in ASP.NET MVC. The page I wanted to have was a partial view that listed out comments associated with a particular model object. So, if someone …

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Stackoverflow Exception using HTML.RenderPartial ASP.NET MVC

Lesson learned. Don’t name your partial views the same as your normal views. Login.cshtml under Views/Shared Login.cshtml under Views/Login tries to call Html.RenderPartial(“Login”) Stackoverflow Exception because the rendering engine ends up searching the Views/Shared after everything else and ends up recursively calling Views/Login/Login.cshtml. Renaming the shared View to _Login.cshtml obviously fixed the issue. Partial Views …

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Unable to update the EntitySet ” because it has a DefiningQuery and no <> element exists in the <> element to support the current operation.

Silly thing this. Found this link. In my case this was caused by not selecting the primary key for the table in SQL Server I was generating the entity set against and then attempting to call the Entity Framework AddObject method with the generated entity. I’m pretty sure that this sort of error will occur …

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jQuery UI Slider and IE8 Compatibility Mode / IE7

After implementing the slider control from jQuery UI with our video player I was quite happy with the overall performance and the look and feel, unfortunately I experienced some headaches when it was deployed as the setup I had implemented did not work with IE8 in the compatibility mode. Now, thankfully the app was for …

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